Uses for Borax

Also known as “the miracle mineral,” the term borax denotes both a compound and a mineral. It is also called sodium borate. It is best known as a cleansing solution but there are other ways to use it.

Uses for Borax: Pest Control

Sodium borate can be used to keep ants, waterbugs and cockroaches away. The solution is to spray sugar and all-natural borax in equal amounts at the appropriate places. To deter rats, sprinkle sodium borate on floors and other places where they hide. Spraying it on the carpet will keep fleas at bay. To make sure fleas don’t come back, leave the borax there for 60 minutes then vacuum.

Cleaning with Borax

It can be used as a dishwasher detergent. This is done by mixing 1 tbsp of baking soda and 1 tbsp of sodium borate. Sodium borate can also be used to clean outdoor furniture, toilets, porcelain sinks and stains from stainless steel. It can also be used as a laundry detergent, a floor and wall cleaner. Sodium borate can also be used to take out metal oxidation.

Combining 2 tablespoons of sodium borate and 2 cups of hot water can be used as an all-purpose cleaner. Mixing borax with lemon juice can help take off dust. This can also be used to take out stubborn stains, dirty pots and pans and other kitchen utensils.

Borax Powder


Adding a few tablespoons of sodium borate in a cat litter box can remove smells. It can also be used to remove the smells of garbage pails. If your fridge is starting to smell, wash it off with borax and water. Sodium borate can remove urine stains and smells on mattresses, unclog drains, mustiness, mildew, and garbage disposals can also be cleaned.

Other Applications of Borax

Sodium borate can be used to revive worn china. You just have to immerse it in 1/2 cup of borax and warm water. This will also soften water and kill weeds. Sodium borate is also used in forge welding, toy Slime, and automobiles.

It is primarily used to stop engine block and car radiator leaks. There are also vitamin supplements that use a small amount of it. There was also a time when the solution was used on hams so they didn’t get flyblown.

Adding sodium borate to fire gives them greenish hues. Skull brain cavities can be cleaned by sodium borate. It also functions as a micronutrient fertilizer boron-deficient soil correction. This neutron absorber can also be used in spent fuel pools and nuclear reactors. The purpose is reactivity control. It also plays a role in stopping a nuclear chain reaction.

As a Curing Agent, Indelible Ink and Others

The compound serves as a curing agent for salmon, salmon eggs and snake skins. Other uses for borax include making indelible ink for pens. It is also used in horses’ hooves treatment and as an ingredient in dextrin, casein and other adhesives.

It can also be used as an anti-fungal foot soak, moth-proofing 10% solution for wool, fire retardant enamel glazes, glass, pottery, and ceramics.

General Characteristics

The mineral usually appears as a white soft crystal or just colorless. In some instances, it appears green, yellow, and brown. Borax turns into a crumbly white streak when it makes contact with other materials. Its other names include disodium tetraborate and sodium tetraborate. Sodium borate is part of the boron element.


The term comes from “Burak”, a Persian word. It was the name used for salts in the Middle East. The Romans became aware of it and use became widespread. Even then it was used to preserve food. But it was also used to preserve mummies. It was also known in China for making pottery. During the Middle Ages, it was utilized for soldering. Modern borax can still be applied that way. However, it is purer.


The compound is generally not toxic. However, sensitive people may get skin reactions. But it is usually safe. Today there are several companies that use sodium borate for making fungicides, antiseptics, etc. In many laboratories, sodium borate is used as a buffer for chemical experiments. This is possible because chemical solutions are not affected. The amount of borax used in various products varies.

Other Information

Sodium borate comes with a large amount of water. It is during water evaporation that sodium borate crumbles. If permitted the compound will become tincalconite. After refining, the mineral is combined with water. A catalyst is included which will cause the mineral to dissolve.

There are many uses for borax. But it becomes more flexible when combined with sulfuric acid. Sodium borate turns into boric acid. Boric acid is used in many ways. Its main applications are preservation, cleaning and other industrial applications. Boric acid can also be utilized as a mild antiseptic. In some cases, they are also used as a cure for irritated eyes.